Author Archives: Amy G.

STUDENT SAMPLE – A Not-Quite Coming Out Story

  Audio essay by Kylee (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2011) Audience: The target audience for this project are my friends and family who already know me and ask me the …

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What is new media storytelling?

I wrote this description for the Spring 2014 syllabus for my Storytelling through New Media course. This course gives you the opportunity to learn more about and experiment with new …

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TIPS – Composing and Framing Video Interviews

NOTE: I originally wrote this material for a Fall 2013 calendar entry, for students who were recording “solo” interviews (as though the interviewer was off camera). But I’ve added info …

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HOW TO – Find All Your Comments on the Class Blog

Wondering if you’ve posted all the required comments for earlier calendar entries? See the steps below the screen shot. (1) Go to the blog dashboard and click on the Comments …

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HOW TO – Apply Formatting to Your Blog Posts

Composing Long and/or Formatted Posts If you’re planning to write the kind of blog post you’re putting so much work into that you’d be devastated to lose it, I HIGHLY …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – If You're Not Outraged, You're Not Paying Attention!

Audio essay by Kathleen (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2011) For more details, see her rhetorical analysis.

STUDENT SAMPLE – Eat, Drink, & Choose your Gender

Web site by Jess (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2012) My website, You are what you eat: The gender nature of food and drink explores how gender socialization has played a role in the …

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GUIDE – Different Approaches to Animation

(under development) WIKIPEDIA ARTICLES Keyframe Animation Computer Animation Traditional Animation Animation: Overview PowerPoint Animation Animated GIFS WEB RESOURCES This article: Animation Techniques covers these approaches: “classical and digital 2D animation, …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Music Genres: Reinforcing Gender Stereotypes?

Web site by Nate (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2012) Women of Music When looking for a subject for creating a text-based project for a class revolving around the rhetoric of …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Understanding Asexuality

Web Site by Tera (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2012) Are there really people who don’t want to have sex? The answer to this question is yes. These people are categorized …

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Digital Story by Ashley (WRTG 3090 – Fall 2012) AMY’S NOTE: This is one of the samples by students who took WRTG 3090/ATLS 3519 the first time it was offered, …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Nothing Says Tough Like a Tutu

PLAYABLE AUDIO Audio essay by Julie (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2011) Introduction Audience My intended audience is college- age students who have taken a Gender Studies class and understand sex …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Violence Against Women Is NOT a “Woman’s Issue”

PLAYABLE AUDIO Audio Essay by Tiffani (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2011) Tiffani composed this audio essay for one of the Fall 2011 sections of WRTG 3020. Read her detailed rhetorical …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Unexpected Consequences of Nature v. Nurture Beliefs

A Fall 2013 student made these short comics (using Pixton) to illustrate some of the unexpected consequences of two common beliefs about the origins of sexual orientation. Because the comics …

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Digital Story by Madelyn (WRTG 3090 – Fall 2012) AMY’S NOTE: This is one of the samples by students who took WRTG 3090/ATLS 3519 the first time it was offered, …

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Digital Story by MacKenzie (WRTG 3090 – Fall 2012) AMY’S NOTE: This is one of the samples by students who took WRTG 3090/ATLS 3519 the first time it was offered, …

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Pitch: What would you do if something you relied so heavily on was taken from you…while you were in the middle of the ocean? Digital Story by Jane (WRTG 3090 …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Effects of Gender Specific Toys

Mini-documentary by Jessica (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2012) My video is directed towards soon to be/new parents in order to create awareness about the influence of gendered toys on children. …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Gender and Politics

Mini-documentary by Zoe (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2012) I chose to do a documentary on the role that gender plays in politics and how relevant it still is today. My …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Finding Love, One Family Member at a Time

Image Story by Sheena (WRTG 3090 – Fall 2013) A young woman, left alone in this world when she was orphaned, struggles with emptiness of heart. She finds love and …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Sex! What Do CU Students Have to Say About it?

A Multi-Person Interview by Kirsten and Chris (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2012) Our goal was to show the wide variety of responses as well as confusion when it comes to …

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Video Project by Jamie, Natalie, and Caitlin (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2012) Our project incorporates male and female perspectives on the high-fashion blog, manrepeller. This project allows the audience to …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Discovering My Gender Identity Through High Tops and Bikes

Digital Story by Flora (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2012) The target audience of my project is college women or women who are of that age, roughly 18-25 years old. The …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – When Barbie Met Stacy

Animated Story by Kelsey and Sara (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2013) Barbie and Stacy are your normal teenage girls. They meet at school and become inseparable. What happens next? Find …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Fraternity Guys and Homosexuality: Changing Stereotypes?

A Mini-Doc by Tori (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2013) One commonality between fraternity men and homosexual men is that they are both stereotyped, but is the stereotype for fraternity guys …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Sex and Gender from the College Guy's Perspective

Amy’s Notes Three students in my Spring 2010 section of WRTG 3020 made this mini-documentary, which gave them the chance to explore how a bunch of college guys think and …

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EXPERIMENTS – Test Shots from Stop Motion and Digital Animation

Over the holiday break between 2013 and 2014, I led myself through a “crash course” in stop motion animation, using clay figures, and in digital animation, using iPad apps. Some …

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GUIDE – Make Your Blog Posts Reader-Friendly

WHAT IS READER-FRIENDLY WRITING? While you’re in school, most of your writing is directed towards a teacher who is obligated to read it. But after college, most of your writing …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Another Life to Live

Animation by Lindsay (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2013) Tools: animation, GoAnimate, MovieMaker This video is the story of a housewife who is struggling with her monotonous life. Since she was …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – My Reconciliation with Femininity

  Audio Essay by Kat (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2011) Rhetorical Rationale I composed this essay for people who are interested in exploring gender and sexuality issues. I’m hoping that …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Strength is a Process, Not Just a Result

Personal Narrative by Adelyn (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2011) Rhetorical Situation Audience:  My audience has changed from who I was originally targeting… Instead of focusing on trying to talk to …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – We Can't All Get Along

Pitch: Living with roommates can be one of the biggest challenges of young adult life. Story by Marlee (WRTG 3090 – Fall 2013) Behind the Scenes This multimedia composition was …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – How Barney and Marshall Met Each Other

Remix video by Collin (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2013) Rhetorical Context Audience The audience that I intended for the video were fans of the show How I Met Your Mother. …

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Persuasive Video by Ariel (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2013) Recently the annual Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show was on TV again and with it came many speculations from young girls all …

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GUIDE – Finding Reusable AUDIO & VIDEO for Digital Composition Projects

For the sake of simplicity, I merged the info from this page into the one I originally created for finding reusable images. Follow this link: GUIDE – Finding Images & …

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CONCEPT IN 60 SECONDS – The Multimodality of Gender

Explanatory Video by Amy Goodloe About the Project At the “Digital Media and Composition” workshop I attended in the summer of 2011, we were asked to compose messages in a …

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DEMO DIGITAL STORY – This is What a Lesbian Looks Like

A Digital Story by Amy Goodloe This project is an example of a CDS-style digital storytelling project, which is one of your options for a video project. In June 2012, …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Collection of Dogs, Collection of Selves

PLAYABLE AUDIO Audio Story by Craig (WRTG 3090 – Fall 2013) ABOUT This audio story is about the memories that arise when I look back on my collection of dog …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – The Graveyard Shift

PLAYABLE AUDIO Audio Narrative by Stephen (WRTG 3090 – Fall 2013) ABOUT This story is about my experience working the graveyard shift. BIO Stephen Motta currently lives in Boulder, CO. …

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HOW TO – Shortcut for Creating a New Item in a Google Drive Folder

To create a new document within Google Docs that will automatically appear in the target folder, click on the drop-down menus to the left of each folder title to display …

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