STUDENT SAMPLE – Understanding Asexuality


Web Site by Tera (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2012)

Are there really people who don’t want to have sex?

The answer to this question is yes. These people are categorized as asexuals. Since very few people know about asexuality and all that it does and does not entail, I decided to make a website all about the subject.

My target audience is college students who are interested in topics of gender and sexuality, but have not heard much about asexuality. I used numerous videos, pictures, comics, and graphs to grab the reader’s attention and keep them interested. I also included personal stories to make the website more relatable. It is often easier to fully comprehend an idea when you hear it explained by someone with personal experience.

I tried to keep my paragraphs short, yet informative because there is so much important information that readers need to know, but I also wanted to make sure to keep the reader’s interest throughout the entire project.

The purpose of my website is to inform people about asexuality. I included visuals and text to appeal to many different learning styles. I also included a myths tab because there are so many common misconceptions and false stereotypes about asexuality. My goal is to raise awareness and acceptance.