Author Archives: Amy G.

OVERVIEW – Digital Storytelling in Higher Ed

Prepared for COLTT 2011 I prepared these notes for a two-hour presentation and workshop for faculty at the Colorado Teaching and Learning with Technology conference, held at CU Boulder every …

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WEB RESOURCES on Teaching Digital Storytelling

Theory and Practice Advanced Thinking in Digital Storytelling: Knowing ‘Why’ Seven Elements of Effective Digital Stories Also see my help page on this site: Narrative techniques for digital storytelling Project …

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HOW TO – Find All Your Files on Google Drive

After you log into Google Drive, look at the menu on the left. At the bottom you’ll see an option for Owner, Type, More that gives you a variety of …

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QUICK TIPS – Insert Re-Positionable Audio Clip in iMovie '11

If you tried inserting an audio clip into your iMovie project and found that it became the background soundtrack for the whole project, so you couldn’t reposition it or apply …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words

Digital Story by Kathryn (WRTG 3090 – Fall 2012) AMY’S NOTE: This is one of the samples by students who took WRTG 3090/ATLS 3519 the first time it was offered, …

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LINKS – Web Resources on Photo Composition and Editing

(a list under development) Photo Composition The best way to learn about composition (in photography) Improving your photography with five easy composition tricks Photographic Composition (also go up a level …

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HOW TO – Create an Image Slideshow in a Blog Post

These instructions show you how to create a click-through slideshow that features images you uploaded to the blog. Our class blog has two options for slideshow layout, standard and carousel, …

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GUIDE – Writing Process for Audio Essays

STEP 1: ROUGH DRAFT If you’d like to produce an audio essay, the first step is to write a rough draft the same way you would for any other kind …

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COMMENTARY – The Rhetoric of Interface Design

Below is a short presentation I delivered in a session on Using Digital Tools for writing instructors at CU Boulder. I drew on many resources to develop this condensed version …

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HOW TO – Edit your account settings

After you register for an account on the class domain, you’ll be able to log into the class web site and edit your WordPress account settings, which will allow you …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – There is no Women's National Hockey League

A Personal Narrative by Katie (WRTG 3020 – Summer 2011) Read her Rhetorical Rationale.

WEB APPS – You Can Connect & Use with Google Drive

Check out the wide variety of web-based apps you can connect to your Google Drive account. The link takes you to the Chrome store, but once a tool is connected …

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TIPS – Troubleshooting Problems with Web Sites

The steps below will help you with a variety of web-related issues. Step #1: If at first you don’t succeed, try again in a few minutes. Sometimes links just don’t …

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GUIDE – Strategies for Composing Stand-alone Presentations

SLIDE VERSION Rhetorical Considerations for Presentation Design from Amy Goodloe ARTICLE VERSION What makes any form of communication “effective”? Following the principles of reader-friendly design. When does a presentation need …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Breaking the Gender Binary: Gender Neutral Bathrooms

Mini-Doc by Jess (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2012) My project entitled “Breaking the Gender Binary” focused on the concept of gender neutral/inclusive bathrooms, specifically on the CU Boulder campus. The …

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GUIDE – Writing a Synopsis for a Visual Storytelling Project

NOTE: I wrote the material below for a previous semester, when I asked all students to write synopses. If you decide to try writing a synopsis this semester, use the …

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Presentation by Alex E. (LGBT Studies – Spring 2012) My target audience is really anyone open minded and knowledgeable with how to view a Prezi. The information is very straight …

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GUIDE – Rhetorical Strategies for Blog Design

The design of the study guide blog includes elements that impact its visual appeal. Although you may not have thought about it this way, you have to make design decisions …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Top 10 Lesbian Young Adult Books

Presentation by Alex A. (LGBT Studies – Spring 2012) This project is for all of the young adults, like myself, that struggle with finding books they can relate to. When …

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SAMPLES – Links to Digital Stories about Gender and Sexuality

I’ve gathered these links specifically for my WRTG 3020 students, but they may also be of interest to other visitors: Amy’s story: This is what a lesbian looks like (made …

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PREZI EXAMPLE – Technologies and the Future of Writing

I don’t know anything about the person who made this, but the info and method of presentation are both relevant to learning about digital writing!

ASSIGNMENT – Image Story

(From my Fall 2013 section of WRTG 3090) APPROACH Tell your story through a sequence of about 5-10 still images, from the sources listed below. Deliver the final version in …

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Digital Writing Assignments

To view some examples of digital writing assignments I’ve used over the past five or six years, browse through the ASSIGNMENTS ARCHIVE category.

STUDENT SAMPLE – The Science of Gender and Science: Pinker vs. Spelke

Presentation by Stephanie Mitchell for WRTG 3020 Fall 2010. [slideshare id=7198739&doc=mitchell-presentation-final1-110308212710-phpapp02]

STUDENT SAMPLE – Review of the Pinker/Spelke Debate (presentation with audio narration)

Presentation by Kay Davis for WRTG 3020 Fall 2010.

GUIDE – Storyboarding a Visual Project

If you’re planning to develop a project that conveys a message visually, whether it has an audio narration or not, the traditional method of outlining may not be sufficient for …

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WEB RESOURCES – Guides to Video Editing and Production

Although many of the links below refer specifically to working with live video, you can apply anything you learn about live video to working with images or animation. VIDEO EDITING …

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HOW TO – Export a Web-Ready Video (m4v) Out of QuickTime X

NOTE: The instructions below were originally a part of this post: How to Make a Screencast with QuickTime X for Mac I decided to post them separately because the process …

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HOW TO – Change the Default App that Opens Files on a Mac

Are you tired of having media files open in iTunes on your Mac? I was, so I changed the default app that opens mp3, m4a, m4v, and mov files to …

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HOW TO – Edit an image after you've embedded it in a blog post

Short guide to editing an image after you’ve uploaded it to a blog post. Editing Image after uploading

WEB RESOURCE – Anatomy of Effective Web Design

This infographic does a nice job of introducing some basic principles of reader-friendly site design. What appears below is the top portion. To see the full infographic, go to: Anatomy …

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INSPIRATION – Quotes on Storytelling

About Digital Storytelling “Telling weak stories with technology is like giving a bad guitar player a bigger amplifier.” “Writing is the primary tool used to plan and create a digital …

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Presentations on the Pedagogy and Practice of Digital Composition

Below are a few of my presentations that might be of interest to anyone who teaches writing at the college level. The first one focuses more heavily on providing a …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Gender Norms Through the Generations

[youtube Nw0drPFCqxA] This video project was composed by Mara Race for the Spring 2011 campus section of WRTG 3020. Read Mara’s rhetorical analysis of her project on the class blog …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – End Violence Against the Transgendered

PSA by WRTG 3020 Students – Fall 2010 Two students in one of my Spring 2010 sections of WRTG 3020 created this short multimedia message, which is designed to persuade …

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HOW TO – Upload a File to Shared Folder on Google Drive

Merged with: HOW TO – Get a file into a shared folder on Google Drive

STUDENT SAMPLE – C Student Doesn't Even See it Coming

PLAYABLE AUDIO Audio Narrative by Beau (WRTG 3090 – Fall 2013 About the Story: This is an accurate account of a student who has no perception of possible future consequences …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Grandma's House

Grandma's house final from Kate Limebrook Image Story by Kate My Grandma’s house has been in the family for the past 54 years and it is a place family members …

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GUIDE – Use PDF annotation tools to teach academic reading

Common Teaching Issue: Students could use more help reading academic articles I notice this problem in two ways: in how students respond to articles as assigned readings and in how …

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HOW TO – Create a "read more" button for long blog posts

For long blog posts as well as drafts and final versions of projects, put the content of the post behind a “read more” tag. That way the long content won’t …

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