Author Archives: Amy G.

STUDENT SAMPLE – My Gender, My Sexual Orientation

A Personal Narrative by Haley (WRTG 3020 – Summer 2011) Primary target audience: The intended audience for my project is for anyone who is interested in learning more about how …

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View on Photobucket. A Personal Narrative by Elaina (WRTG 3020 – Summer 2011) Read Elaina’s rhetorical rationale on the class blog.


View on Photobucket. A Personal Narrative by Elaina (WRTG 3020 – Summer 2011) Read Elaina’s rhetorical rationale on the class blog.

WEB RESOURCES – Multimedia Literacy Narratives

(From my Spring 2011 WRTG 3020 Syllabus) A great site to visit to become more familiar with the genre of literacy narratives is the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives. The …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Cookie Cutter of a Different Shape

Personal Narrative by Stephanie (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2010) Stephanie wrote out what she wanted to say and then recorded herself reading it while displaying images she found on the …

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WEB RESOURCES – Interesting research into the pedagogical value of digital storytelling

The research presented on this site is well worth exploring further, as it relates to all kinds of digital composition: Digital Storytelling Multimedia Archive. The site’s title was poorly chosen, …

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COMMENTARY – Rhetorical rationale for my WRTG 3020 class blog design

This screencast offers a rhetorical rationale for the decisions I made when designing and organizing the WRTG 3020 Summer 2011 Class Blog. I made the screencast for two reasons: to …

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WEB RESOURCES – Using technology to teach writing

Interesting opinion article on the pros and cons of using different types of technology in the teaching of writing: “Technology and Teaching,” published on Inside Higher Ed. A particularly worthwhile …

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TIPS – Protect yourself from losing all your hard work

Every semester, I have at least two or three students who lose all their files, including final papers for my class, near the end of the semester due to computer …

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GUIDE – Searching library databases

General Tips on Using the CU Library Databases To search for articles in a broad range of academic journals, go the library’s list of general and interdisciplinary databases and search …

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GUIDE – Rhetorical purpose of peer review

Before you do peer reviews in my class, I want to encourage you to think about the rhetorical purpose of peer review from several perspectives. (1) From the perspective of …

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GUIDE – Rhetoric of academic writing conventions

I know “conventions” is kind of a funny word, but I’m using it because that’s the word that shows up on the state-mandated learning goals for all writing classes, as …

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HOW TO – Take a screen shot on Windows

I very rarely use Windows, so my old handout on this page was outdated. Rather than reinvent the wheel, I’ll just give you a few helpful links: A Guide To …

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TIPS – Be Nice to Your Computer, Especially Around Finals

As everyone in higher ed knows, the end of the semester is a dangerous time for grandparents and computers, both of which are far more likely to die around this …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Gender Expectations Cartoon

Cartoon by Jamie (WRTG 3020 – Spring 2011) Rhetorical Analysis The target audience for my cartoon is mostly other college students interested in personal accounts of gender and sexuality. Although …

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WEB RESOURCES – The Changing Nature of Literacy

The Machine is Us/ing Us This video packs in a LOT of concepts that you may not get right away, but it’s a good one to re-watch, study, and discuss. …

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TEACHING IDEAS – DMAC "Concept in 60" videos

Damian Doyle and I attended this summer’s Digital Media and Composition Institute (DMAC) at Ohio State University, where we got to play around with lots of digital tools and toys. …

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WEB RESOURCES – Teaching with Podcasts

Dangler, Doug, Ben McCorkle, and Time Barrow. “Expanding Composition Audiences with Podcasting.” Computers and Composition: Professional Development. Spring 2007. Interesting discussion of using podcasts (as opposed to just audio essays) …

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WEB RESOURCES – Changing Education Paradigms

STUDENT SAMPLE – From the Crib to the Shore: Revealing Double Standards in MTV Reality Shows

The research report below was prepared by a student in the Spring 2011 Continuing Ed section of WRTG 3020. From the Crib to the Shore: Revealing Double Standards in MTV …

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SERVICE LEARNING EXAMPLES – Service Learning Videos from First-Year Writing

These service learning videos were by students in Petger Schaberg’s WRTG 1250 classes at CU Boulder: Spring 2011 Gallery Fall 2010 Gallery

STUDENT SAMPLE – Action Films and Gender Stereotypes

The research report below was prepared by a student in the Spring 2011 Continuing Ed section of WRTG 3020. Action Films and Gender Stereotypes

STUDENT SAMPLE – The Female Gender as Portrayed in the "Beauty and Health" Section of Vogue

The research report below was prepared by a student in the Spring 2011 Continuing Ed section of WRTG 3020. The Female Gender as Portrayed in the “Beauty and Health” Section …

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STUDENT – Masculinity Reinforced on National Geographic Covers

The research report below was prepared by a student in the Spring 2011 Continuing Ed section of WRTG 3020. Masculinity Reinforced on National Geographic Covers

ASSIGNMENT – Personal Narrative Audio Essay (lower division)

Below is an audio essay assignment I used in WRTG 1150 (First-Year Writing and Rhetoric) around 2010 and in WRTG 2090 (Writing for Digital Media) around 2011. I’ve since modified …

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ASSIGNMENT – Comparative Analysis of Digital Tools

Below is a brief version of an assignment I’ve used in WRTG 1150 and WRTG 2090. I have a long version somewhere, which I’ll post if/when I find it. Topics …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Exploring attitudes towards gender identity disorder

Final Personal Narrative Project by Isaac Hannagan, Spring 2011

WEB RESOURCES – Teaching with Blogs and Wikis

TEACHING WITH BLOGS Here’s an interesting analysis of some of the issues that come up when we ask students to blog: Arvan, Lanny. “Views: Teaching with Blogs.” Inside Higher Ed. …

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ASSIGNMENT – Pop Culture Research Project Wiki

I used this assignment for my Spring 2011 sections of WRTG 3020. You can find some of the projects produced for this assignment in the Research Projects category on my …

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SAMPLE – Learning Gender and Sexuality Norms: A Closer Look at the Casillas Family

[youtube z8LWPnnKCyc] This personal video narrative was composed by Anahil Casilis for the Spring 2011 Continuing Ed section of WRTG 3020.

STUDENT SAMPLE – Annotated Guide to "Beards, Breasts, and Bodies: Doing Sex in a Gendered World"

A strong annotated guide, prepared by Sabrina Conte for the Spring 2011 section of WRTG 3020 through Continuing Ed. for the article: Dozier, R. (2005). Beards, Breasts, and Bodies: Doing …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Differences Between Transgender and Transsexual

Presentation by Sabrina (WRTG 3020 – Spring 2011) The goal of this project is to examine the differences between transgender and transsexual as explained in academic discourse. Two articles were …

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WEB RESOURCES – "Digital Strangelove (or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Internet)"

What if the medium is no longer the message? [slideshare id=2238584&doc=digitalstrangelovefinal-091016000419-phpapp02]

WEB RESOURCES – "Digital Is: Interdisciplinary Writing Resources"

“Digital Is: Interdisciplinary Writing Resources” by ProfHacker The Chronicle of Higher Education – March 30, 2011 One of the most exciting initiatives of the National Writing Project (NWP) is called …

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TIPS – Making Digital Content Accessible to All

Here are a few resources to help you learn more about how to make digital media projects accessible to viewers who have impairments in vision or hearing. Web Captioning Overview …

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TIP for managing user photos on multiple sites

Tired of uploading user photos to your profiles on multiple sites? Many sites, including most blogs run by WordPress, will get a user photo from a single source: Gravatar. Log …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Transsexual Embodiment: How does one become a transsexual and how do we understand it?

A student presentation for WRTG 3020, Spring 2011: Transsexual Embodiment: How does one become a transsexual and how do we understand it? on Prezi

STUDENT SAMPLE – Understanding Intersexuality via Personal Experience

A student presentation for WRTG 3020, Spring 2011, based on Sharon Preves’ article “Intersex Narratives: Gender, Medicine, and Identity,” as well as selections from Cheryl Chase and Riki Wilchins. [slideshare …

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WEB RESOURCES – Using Macs and Windows

Help Links: Windows Tutorials for Windows 7 (including for Windows Live Movie Maker) Windows 7 Basics Windows Keyboard Shortcuts Windows Movie Maker Help Windows Vista Basics Guide to Word for …

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Google Docs official help pages

Support Pages Getting Started with Google Docs Documents List