Author Archives: Amy G.

GUIDE – Web resources to help you develop a thesis and outline

(For WRTG 1150 – Spring 2010) Below are some links to handouts that will give you instruction in relevant aspect of writing a research paper. I didn’t require that you …

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WEB RESOURCES – Basics of Rhetoric (Prezi presentation)

Your students might find this a helpful presentation, both as an overview of basic principles of rhetoric and as an example of Prezi in action. Prezi offers an increasingly popular …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Digital literacy narratives by first-year writing students in Fall 2010

I don’t often teach WRTG 1150, but the last time I did (in Fall 2010), we focused on digital literacy as a topic and a practice. Students composed digital literacy …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Digital literacy narratives by first-year writing students in Fall 2010

I don’t often teach WRTG 1150, but the last time I did (in Fall 2010), we focused on digital literacy as a topic and a practice. Students composed digital literacy …

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WEB RESOURCES – Professional resources on teaching with technology

See this page: Digital Writing FYI

WEB RESOURCES – "Orchestrating the Media Collage"

This article, from the March 2009 issue of Educational Leadership, provides a clear overview of the changing nature of literacy and argues that teachers at all levels should more effectively …

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EXPERIMENT – Testing Out GoAnimate

After having several students use GoAnimate for projects, I decided to test it out — and it’s very easy to use. I made this very short conversation scene after talking …

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ASSIGNMENT – Personal Narrative Audio Essay (upper division)

NOTE: I used the assignment below for my Fall 2010 sections of WRTG 3020. This is an archived version of the assignment, which I’ve since transformed into a Digital Storytelling …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – My Gender Journey

The audiovisual project below as composed by a student in my Spring 2010 section of WRTG 3020, in response to an assignment that is similar to but not exactly the …

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WEB RESOURCES – Evernote for Transliteracy

I just came across this presentation while looking for more cool things to do with EverNote. EverNote is quite possibly the most handy digital tool I’ve ever used, and I …

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HELPFUL APP – Diigo for social bookmarking

Diigo is a social bookmarking tool with a variety of useful features. At its most basic level, Diigo provides you with a better way to save bookmarks to web sites …

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STUDENT SAMPLE – Discussion of Elizabeth Reiss's "Impossible Hermaphrodites"

Presentation by Molly Brooks for WRTG 3020 Fall 2010. [slideshare id=7198736&doc=mb-present-reis-hermaphrodites-110308212703-phpapp02] (if presentation isn’t embedded above, view it on SlideShare.)

STUDENT SAMPLE – Trans, Butch, or Neither?

Presentation by Adrienne Caminer for WRTG 3020 Fall 2010. (if presentation isn’t embedded above, view it on SlideShare.)

STUDENT SAMPLE – A Look Into Intersex Individuals in the 19th Century

Presentation by Tina Gupta for WRTG 3020 Fall 2010. [slideshare id=7198805&doc=gupta-project-3-final-110308214227-phpapp02] (if presentation isn’t embedded above, view it on SlideShare.)

WEB RESOURCES – Information Media and Digital Literacy

I came across this image a while ago and saved it on my computer, but I forgot to record where I found it, so I didn’t post it here. And …

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SAMPLE – Using Google Docs to collaborate on cool animated presentations

I just saw this on Elise’s blog and thought I’d share it here. The video gives a great demonstration of how you can collaborate with others on a project, no …

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TIPS – Using Wikipedia

I will occasionally include links to Wikipedia articles as part of your readings, so I want to explain what I think are appropriate and inappropriate uses of Wikiepedia. HOW SHOULD …

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HOW TO – Format images for the web (rather than print)

NEWER VERSION: See HOW TO – Make Images Web-Ready Before you post an image on the web, make sure the image has an appropriate file size as well as display …

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WEB RESOURCES – What should college graduates know and be able to do?

Good question! I suspect what they really college graduates need most are skills and knowledge that (a) are incredibly hard to measure; and, even more to the point, (b) are …

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HOW TO – Share a Google Docs file with your class

See: Upload a file and put it in a shared collection.

HOW TO – Video overview of using Google Docs to share and comment on documents

This screencast video shows you the basics of using Google Docs to upload and create word processing documents, share them with your class, and write comments for peer review: The …

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WEB RESOURCES – "Editing Matters"

From the January 14, 2011 edition of Inside Higher Ed: “Editing Matters” by Carmen Werder and Karen Hoelscher Editing — oh, whoop-de-do — hardly a topic of intense interest in …

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TEACHING TIPS – One Approach to Defining Digital Literacy

Post moved to: TEACHING TIPS – Working Definition of Digital Literacy for College Students

WEB RESOURCES – No Grading, More Learning, from Inside Higher Ed

Controversial idea!

WEB APPS for Creating Word Clouds

Super easy ways to create art for your blog! Tagxedo Wordle

TEACHING TIPS – Teaching with wikis

A wiki is a web site with pages that can be easily edited by anyone the site owner grants permission to, without the users needing to know anything about HTML. …

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WEB RESOURCES – Fair use for media literacy

Helpful resource to better understand the “fair use” issues we need to consider when we ask students to compose multimodal texts using “found” images and audiovisual clips: NCTE Code of …

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WEB RESOURCES – Teaching With Blogs, from Inside Higher Ed

Interesting analysis of issues that come up when we ask students to blog:

WEB RESOURCES – Technologically Illiterate Students, from Inside Higher Ed

News: Technologically Illiterate Students – Inside Higher Ed   tags: digital literacy Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

WEB RESOURCES – Honorable Technology, from Inside Higher Ed

Interesting cautionary tale

WEB RESOURCES – Multimodal Composition: Resources for Teachers

If you’re looking for practical information and guidelines for implementing multimodal composition assignments, I highly recommend that you check out Cynthia Selfe’s book, Multimodal Composition: Resources for Teachers. Here is …

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GUIDE – What is rhetoric?

VERY BRIEF OVERVIEW At its heart, rhetoric is the study of how knowledge is created and shared through communication practices that include reading, writing, and speaking. Rhetoric gives us the …

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WEB RESOURCES – "Why Teach Digital Writing?"

The WIDE Research Center Collective. “Why Teach Digital Writing?” Kairos 10 (Fall 2005). This article helps to clarify the differences in the theory and practice of writing for print vs. …

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HOW TO – Format papers in standard academic format (using Microsoft Word)

OVERVIEW This guide explains how to format your documents in Microsoft Word so that they follow the standard rules for formatting academic papers as described in most MLA and APA …

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WEB RESOURCES – Should colleges teach students how to be better Googlers?

“Searching For Better Research Habits” September 29, 2010, Inside Higher Ed NEW YORK CITY — Should colleges teach students how to be better Googlers? Educators who see the popular search …

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GUIDE – Using Word: Comment Tools (Office for Windows 2007)

TEACHING TIPS – Using blogs in the writing classroom

Instructors use blogs in the classroom for a variety of purposes and in a wide range of ways.  One common purpose is to present course materials, such as daily assignments, with …

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WEB RESOURCES -"Integrating multimodality in composition curricula"

Atkins, Anthony; Anderson, Daniel; Ball, Cheryl; Homicz Millar, Krista; Selfe, Cynthia; & Selfe, Richard. (2006). Integrating multimodality in composition curricula: Survey methodology and results from a CCCC Research Initiative grant. …

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TEACHING TIPS – Publishing student writing online

Giving students the opportunity to write for online publication can help them think seriously about audience and purpose. One option is to ask students to write articles for a web site …

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TEACHING TIPS – A few ideas for computer classroom activities

I went over the notes below at the 2010 PWR Mobile Lab workshop. The document further down provides another variation on similar information, from a related workshop. You can find …

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