STUDENT SAMPLE – My Gender Journey

The audiovisual project below as composed by a student in my Spring 2010 section of WRTG 3020, in response to an assignment that is similar to but not exactly the same as the current Personal Narrative Project assignment. For that semester, students had the option to compose their narratives as text-based essays with photos, as audio essays, or as audiovisual essays, in part so that we could explore the new levels of meaning made possible by composing in digital modes.

The student who composed the project below started out wanting to write a text-based essay with photos, but when I showed her how easy it is to create photo slideshows in iMovie, she became enthusiastic about giving it a try. In the process, her essay grew and expanded into something she says she never would’ve been able to produce if she’d stuck only to words on a page.

Because her project was so successful, and because “writing” is no longer restricted to words on a page, I decided to make audio or audiovisual delivery a required part of the Personal Narrative project, which has allowed an already popular assignment to become even more meaningful to those who work on it.

PRIVACY NOTE: The student agreed to allow me to show her project to current WRTG 3020 students, but she does not want the video to be made public beyond that audience. For that reason, you’ll need to get the password from me in order to view the video. Once you have the password, you may use it to view the video, but please do not show it to anyone else.