STUDENT SAMPLE – Road to the Unknown

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Video by Sammy (WRTG 3090 – Fall 2013)

How do you face the reality that you have no idea what you are doing?

Behind the Scenes

I created this story by using powerpoint, screancast-o-matic, and iMovie. I used animation and transition effects on multiple slides in powerpoint to create the effect of moving sentences and words. Then I captured it on a computer application called Screencast-o-matic that I downloaded from the internet for free. Then I compiled all of my videos into I movie and used its voiceover tool to add my recorded audio

Storyteller Bio

From being in my last year at this wonderful school CU Boulder, I have been confronted with waves of emotions and realizations as the end of my academic career approaches. Finding a career and leaving my friends and family behind as I I do so seems like the biggest mountain I have ever had to climb. As I express these anxieties and worries to my friends, I discover that I am not in this boat alone. And as I look for reinforcement from my parents and other adult figures in my life, I find that it is not as casting and daunting as it may seem to be.

It is awesome if you have your life plan already set out for you but it is okay if you don’t also. The twenty-something time frame is a period where you are expected more than any other time in your life to explore and take blind leaps. The thing we need to do is change our perspective. Look at this new era as a bringing of opportunity and new experiences instead of a period of depression as you cling to your old college memories. Just do it, and you will be fine.