Animation by Lindsay (WRTG 3020 – Fall 2013)
Tools: animation, GoAnimate, MovieMaker
This video is the story of a housewife who is struggling with her monotonous life. Since she was a young girl, she always dreamed about playing the electric guitar in a rock band. However, her husband and mother do not believe in her playing the electric guitar, as women are supposed to stay home and take care of their husband and children.
Rhetorical Situation
This video is about the dilemma of gender norms. I wanted to convey the message of what women are though to do and what women can do. The main character in my video is struggling with her repetitive life because she has to do the same tasks day after day. However, she is able to break the monotony in order to do what she loves, even if women don’t typically act in this way.
Behind the Scenes
I used the tool to make this video. At first, it took me some time to understand how to use the program. But after making a few practice videos, I found it to be fairly easy. After I created the video and saved it to my computer, I imported it into Window’s Movie Maker. I was able to add music, sound effects, and a title to the video.
Videographer Bio
My name is Lindsay Remsen and I am currently a senior at the University of Colorado at Boulder Leed’s School of Business. I am studying marketing and will be graduating in Fall of 2013. I hope you enjoy the video and thank you for watching!